We give time and attention to siblings through group and one to one counselling and dedicated activities and groups.
Brothers and sisters are invited to join any of our planned activities, trips and residential breaks throughout the year, including a summer activity camp with other siblings, a night at the museum in Chester, a trip to the capital to see the dinosaurs at the London Museum, Go-karating, Easter Egg Hunt and an overnight, outdoor Bushcraft event.
CHIMP (Claire House Interactive Mental Health Platform)
We know that young people like you have lots of different experiences in your family homes, often these are not the same as those that your friends have.
The aim of this online space is to let you know what we can do at Claire House to help you cope when life feels too hard and how you can get in touch with other siblings like you too.
We will post information on different topics all around looking after yourself, particularly looking after the health of your mind and brain – this is called ‘mental health’.