Everyone has the ability to respond to music, and Music Therapy uses these responses to facilitate positive changes in physical and emotional wellbeing.
It isn’t about learning to play an instrument, but involves playing, singing and listening in a safe setting with a registered Music Therapist. The Music Therapist uses their training to support children to engage and interact through music and sound.
Music Therapy is suitable for people of all ages and abilities but is often used when verbal skills are limited due to a physical or learning disability. It focuses on what a child can do, rather than what they can’t. It can help develop and facilitate communication skills, improve self-confidence and independence, enhance self-awareness and awareness of others, and improve concentration and attention skills.
At Claire House our Music Therapist is able to provide Music Therapy sessions at our sites in Liverpool and on the Wirral, as well as in children’s homes. The Music Therapist may see your child alone, or with you present, depending on your child’s needs. Aims of any therapy will be discussed with the family (and child, if appropriate) first.
Music Therapy in the Community
Music Therapy is available in the community and can be provided at school and home. If you are caring for a child or young person who may benefit, please make a referral.
Benefits of Music Therapy may include:
Improved self-esteem
Increased sense of self
Memory making
Aiding emotional expression
Facilitating emotional processing
Supporting celebration of life
Pain and anxiety management
Improved communication
Addressing psychological and psycho-social difficulties
Referral Criteria:
Behaviour: children and young people who appear to be expressing themselves through challenging behaviour
Supporting families: families who are struggling to bond or engage with their child
Life changes: children and young people experiencing a major life change, eg family breakdown, bereavement, loss of long-term carer, major transition
16+ transition: young people aged 16 and above, to provide psychological and emotional support during transition from school, home, Claire House etc
Symptom management: including pain, agitation and breathing issues
Low awareness: children and young people in low awareness states where music therapy may provide an extra level of assessment and insight
End of life care: for memory making, psychological support and symptom management for children and young people approaching end of life, and their families
For referrals e-mail music.therapy@clairehouse.org.uk or leave a completed referral form in the therapies office.