Have you ever taken part in the Claire House Splash Dash? If not, first of all, what are you waiting for! And secondly, what is stopping you!
Splash Dash is Merseyside’s original and messiest powdered paint run, providing the perfect family fun for all ages and personifies exactly what Claire House is all about – living life to the full and having FUN!
One Month Till Splash Dash
With just one month to go, we have been receiving some of the amazing stories from Claire House families who have taken part.
Please enjoy!
Hall Family
The Hall family are experienced Splash Dashers with mum Emma sharing: “We do most years and we love it, all the family get involved it is such a fun day!”
Ruston Family
Jessica’s family has taken part in Splash Dash a couple of times, with mum Alison sharing: “Jess absolutely loved it! She got sooo excited she pull her trachy out as we ran through blue.”
Jessica’s siblings shared their reasons for running Splash Dash for Claire House:
Brother, Joe said “They held my sister captive so I could go to Legoland. Ha ha ha. (My sister loved it).”
While sister, Liv said about Claire House “It gives me and my brother time with my mum and dad, without worrying about my sister, Jess.”
Molloy Family
Mum Natalie shared how personal the family’s experience of doing their first Splash Dash was by saying: “We did our first Splash Dash on our boy Sam’s first anniversary of his funeral.”
Lumley Family
The Lumley family have previously tackled Splash Dash, with plans to take part again. Emma’s mum, Rosie, said: “My husband did Splash Dash with our two younger daughters last year, they had an amazing time. This year, Emma and I are going to join in too (thinking a sheet over her and the wheelchair with her head popping out?!”.
Mathison Family
The Mathison family have taken part a couple of times, with the first time Freya’s dad and little sister taking part while Freya and family watched. Another year, all 5 of the family took part and ended up getting covered “head to toe” in the paint. The family are hoping “this year [they] can make it.”
McIntyre Family
All of the McIntyre family took part with mum Shirley saying: “We all had a fab day. Charlie can sleep anywhere! Even when he is getting covered in paint!”
Interested Yet?
If hearing these inspiring and fun stories has gotten you wanting to take part, there is still time to sign up for Claire House – in case you did not hear, there is 1 month to go!
You don’t have to be a regular runner. Splash Dash is for all ages and all capabilities, whether you choose to walk, skip, run or even space-hop the wheelchair-friendly route.
Round up your friends, family, work colleagues…or anyone you would like to see covered in paint and sign up today.