The Counselling Service gives people the opportunity to talk in confidence and in a private setting about any issues which may be concerning them or their family. Sharing thoughts and feelings with someone may help the person through difficult times. This support can be in the form of individual sessions or group-work. The service is available to any family member – parents, siblings, grandparents and the child/young person who accesses Claire House. Our counsellors are based within the hospice but can offer support sessions within the family home or school if appropriate. The counselling team work closely with the care and hospice to home teams and provide more specialist bereavement care to those families who require additional support.
The team also recognise that family members can also benefit from informally getting together with other families and therefore organise events throughout the year where parents/grandparents can meet up and enjoy perhaps a pamper day or evening complimentary therapy session. Adolescent weekends are arranged which focus on young people spending time together and having fun.